Day one I was supposed to be reading and signing orders, health and safety, fire plans, what to do in the event of this that and the other.... but for most of the day I sat in MT Licencing drinking tea and catching up with old friends!
On the second day I had to report straight to the Station Medical Centre for my hearing test and colour perception test. I'm pleased to say that I passed them both and so was able to head up to my new place of work - ASMT! This is where I used to work as a serviceman and it was amazing to see my old friends still there! It was like stepping back in time, the whole place is exactly as I left it (apart from the new addition - a pool table!)
I remembered everything and passed my written and practical test on the second day so don't have to do the 3 week training again (thank goodness) so am now back up and running as a fuel tanker driver. My job is not only to refuel the resident Harriers but also to replenish them with demineralized water which they need to hover. We are also responsible for refuelling any visiting aircraft and keeping the airfield free from FOD by use of our runway sweeper.